Gautam Mukunda

> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> But of course this statement was carefully crafted.
>> The CIA could not confirm the allegation so the
>> speech writers found language that the CIA could
>> "live with". So this was not simply a statement of
>> fact. The speech writer came up with a phrase that
>> would shield the administration from accusations of
>> lying. 
> Which is why they weren't lying, and we all know it.

If there is one thing that cheapens public morality, it is statements like
this. (The original more than Gautam's). When weaselly justifications like
this are used, it totally devalues public discourse when every nuance of
every statement must be critically examined to see what the worst possible
interpretation may be instead of being able to accept it at face value. It
is pernicious in its effects as it must lead to greater mistrust, and when
this technique is demonstrably successful, then by necessity other
politicians must use similar techniques to compete. And politicians wonder
why are held in such low esteem...

Regards, Ray.


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