> From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> How does this end?  Can anyone offer a definition of the conditions
> necessary for us to return to peacetime, or whatever one 
> might properly call 'normal' conditions?

It ends when the US has dominated all the other countries in the world, I

I don't know.  It is a scary proposition.  We cannot defeat every terrorist
in the world.  We cannot stop every rogue state that wants to build a nuke
or a biological bomb.  

> Am I going to wake up 20 years from now to more reminders 
> that we are living in a state of emergency because the
> evil-doers have not yet been wiped off
> the face of the earth?  Tell me why not, please.

I know that this is not a world I want to live in either.  Unless I missed
it, I don't believe it has been responded to.  And I'd love to see the
answer, too!

> If this is not the future we want to create, then shouldn't 
> we return to
> normal political discourse, in which one is not branded a traitor for
> questioning the leadership.  If we can't question and 
> criticize our leaders
> today, what is going to change to allow us to question them 
> tomorrow, or in
> 20 years?

Why is this any different than during World War III (as some are calling the
Cold War)?  The leadership was certainly criticized.  Except during the
Vietnam Conflict, I don't recall anyone being branded a traitor just for
questioning the leadership of the country or the direction it is going?  The
consequences for the United States during the Cold War were certainly
greater than those now.

 - jmh

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