Erik Reuter wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 03:22:20PM -0500, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
> > At 02:56 PM 7/28/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> > >And I'm a horrible person and egg him on when he goes into that sort
> > >of mode. >:)
> >
> > How does that make you a horrible person?  Sounds like you and I are
> > cut from the same cloth (more "warp" than weft, one presumes) . . .
> I think she was joking.

"Joking" is close.  "Being humorous" may be vaguer, but in this case,
more accurate.

BTW, my sister once told me that I'm not terribly good at being subtle. 
I've been working on it since.  Do I succeed at times?


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