> From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> By the way - of the recent developments in the nuclear programs of
> DPRK, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq over the past 15 years 
> - how many
> occurred with the knowledge of US intelligence sources?   
> I'll give you a hint - the answer is a very round number.... 
> so I wouldn"t
> count on being able to know when a successful test is 
> "imminent" if that is your plan.

Wait a minute.  In another thread, you said to me that the United
States would be able to stop every country that wanted to develop
nuclear and biological weapons for the next 100 years.  Yet here you
admit that we have done a miserable job of determining that.  And,
in fact, we probably can't stop every rogue country from developing
these weapons.

So which one is it?

 - jmh

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