At 11:10 PM 8/6/03 +0530, Ritu wrote:

Jon Gabriel wrote:

> >>At first sight, the subject header appeared to say ' good old
> >fashioned
> >>bride burning'.
> >
> >
> >Maybe that's why in Utah they frequently have wedding
> >receptions at the
> >stake center . . .
> Perhaps they hold secret bride burnings in the temple? Humm......
> It would truly suck to be a groom in Utah then.  No sex before OR
after the
> wedding.

Oh, but the grooms can get married again. And anyway, the bride is burnt
only after a few days/weeks/months have passed.

Given that the population of Utah continues to grow, I'd say that it would have to be a matter of at least "years", as she would have to have more than one child to replace her and then increase the total population . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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