Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> >Oh, but the grooms can get married again. And anyway, the bride is
> >only after a few days/weeks/months have passed.
> Given that the population of Utah continues to grow, I'd say that it
> have to be a matter of at least "years", as she would have to have
> than one child to replace her and then increase the total population .
. .

You'd be wrong, methinks. :)

Take Delhi for instance. Each year, there are at least 3,000 dowry
deaths or bride burnings. That is the official record, the real number
is bound to be higher. And they are all killed within months of getting
married. The population still increases. I guess sooner or later, the
grooms find someone whose parents are rich enough to pay the dowry and
then these longer-lived wives bear more children than the burnt brides
put together.



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