--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> No, I think the guy that has an audience of millions
> that take him 
> very seriously and lies about a hell of a lot more
> than the poverty 
> rate in the '50s is far worse than some guy most of
> us haven't even 
> heard of who says ridiculous things like the above
> that no one in 
> their right mind can take seriously.  Much, much,
> much worse.
> Doug

Which one of them can speak at any university in
America to a rousing reception?  Which one is the most
cited intellectual in America?  They both routinely
have books on the bestseller list.  Of course Rush has
a larger audience - however much you want to deny it,
the _people_ of America are pretty conservative. 
Chomsky just speaks to elites - like you.  That's
where his power comes from.  The careful and
purposeful exclusion of conservative voices from elite
American institutions - to the extent that it is
literally impossible for a conservative to get a
position in a humanities faculty in any major
university in America - is why there's actually
political balance in this country.  If it was about
_what the people actually wanted_ it wouldn't even be close.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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