Jon Gabriel wrote:
From: Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Misplaced mail, interesting neighbor, snake
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 22:42:37 -0500


Oh, and the neighbor that Dan's most friendly with came over on the
weekend to help Dan dispose of a snake.  Turned out to just be a rat
snake, and it probably wouldn't have messed with our dogs, but Dan
didn't want to take any chances.  (He doesn't know how to identify a
rattler by sight, and assumes that all snakes are dangerous.  I can
recognize some snakes as harmless, and he'll leave the little ones be on
my say-so.)  It was over 5' long.

Five FEET?!? Is that normal?

I don't have a phobia about snakes, but can't imagine being too pleased to see one 5 feet long in my backyard. Sheesh. I *can* imagine Robin's reaction though. I'd find her wrapped around any ceiling fixture secured more than 15 feet in the air. :)

GSV It Was THIS Big (Mutant Freak Snake Class)

5' isn't that big, is it? I've seen king snakes bigger than that around here and I've seen a few rattlers that had to be around that size. None of them anywhere near the house though, I've only seen them while hiking.

My daughter saw a large lion within a 100 yards of my parent's place in the Sierra last winter. Now _that's_ a bit scary.




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