On 11 Sep 2003 at 9:01, Russell Chapman wrote:

> Andrew Crystall wrote:
> >Grass snakes, on the other hand, are common just round here, and I've
> > been bitten by several including one especially large seven inch
> >example. Ow.
> >
> Phhbbbt... Seven inches is the size of the fangs on our snakes...  
> :-)
> I'm curious about being bitten - (Being bitten by a snake in Aus tends
> to be a one-off thing...) Do these snakes actually inject poison?
> What's the physiological reaction like? I suppose Brits have a whole
> different psyche to Aussies when it comes to snakes, but the idea of
> being bitten by more than one snake just fills me with fear...

As I said, the only poisenous snake is the adder, and there's nothing 
like it's usual teratory arround here. I go for "jump up, yow, and 
run for the tap to stop bleeding..."

(grass snake bites are quite deep, and they take a while to stop 
bleeding. Think really bad papercut..)

Our Grass Snakes are usually 3-4 inches long, green and only bite if 
you're trying to say toss em out your garden with a rake.

Dawn Falcon


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