> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Russell Chapman
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 04:03 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: iTunes for Windo$e
> Miller, Jeffrey wrote:
> >I am.  The hassle of all the backdoor spyware and the risk 
> of viruses 
> >(at worst) from crappy p2p software is enough to drive me 
> legit years 
> >ago... ok, that and a CD collection that, at last count, 
> topped 1000... 
> >I honestly don't /need/ "free" music.
> >
> Wow - where do you put them? 

A music editor here at AMZN designed a series of shelf/racks that hold a 1000 +/-, so 
I paid him to build me one - cost me $30 in wood, and he did the labor for free if I 
promised to write 15 music reviews ^_^

> I have less than 500, and storage is 
> becoming an issue, and then there is finding one disk in the 
> collection, 
> and then there is that awful moment when I say to myself, hmm 
> which CDs 
> will I load today, and get daunted by the task of choosing.

If you're not attatched to the jewel cases, look into DJ sleeves, which hold the 
booklet and the cd, and are basically a fancy plastic envelope.

> So are you using iTunes? Or buying CDs retail?

Retail.  Remember though that I sit and stare at the AMZN web site almost all day 
long, so I get to see tons of new (to me) music come up for sale cheaply as used 
items.. I also go through cycles - I didn't buy any new music for 2 months, but then 
this month I've already got a stack of 15 CDs to file.

I also NEVER sell CDs used;  you never get a decent amount of $ for them unless 
they're desirable, in which case I know that someday I'll want to listen to them again.

I've toyed with the idea of going to an all MP3 storage solution; I bought a 200Gb 
hard drive just for that purpose, however I'm one of those freaks who can hear the 
sound quality difference between mp3s and cds;  drives me nuts sometimes.


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