----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Minette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Empire Of Lies

> As a preamble, let me recount that I supported the military action in
> Afghanistan beforehand because I thought we could not let Al Quida a free
> pass after 9-11 and leaned against the military action in Iraq because I
> thought that
> 1) There was no clear and present danger to the US presented by Iraq,
> thought I was fairly sure

Ack, I didn't finish this idea

.... Hussein did have a significant number of WMDs

2) We were unprepared to win the peace.

even thought I knew that overthrowing Hussein would improve the conditions
of the people of Iraq.


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