Julia Thompson wrote:

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 02:28 PM 10/25/03 +0200, Sonja van Baardwijk wrote:

And having zone alarm is nice too (except for the fact that it takes a little longer to fully boot your machine that is). It prevents your pooter

from going places you don't want it to go and vice versa.

"Pooter" must not have the same implications in Europe as it does here . . .

I usually see it spelled "'puter".

Yes but pooter is closer to the phonetic capabillities of Tom. The way Tom says 'poo-wter'. Pjuter is simply beyond him. Leaves the question what the implication is when it is spelled that way for non Euros?

We say it a lot here. :) We also write "sketti" on the shopping list part of the whiteboard in the pantry when we are running low on pasta.

One wonders who is teaching who. We do that here too. We have to be a bit more carefull though, because at times we use the childidles toward people who don't know us. By now we know something in our phrasing is wrong when we get that slightly confused pitified look.

Sonja :o)
GCU: Childs.... eh ... babble


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