On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Sonja van Baardwijk wrote:

> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Debbi
> >>who found that, when camping, instant hot cocoa is
> >>pretty good with a dollop of peppermint schnapps... :}
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Don't tempt me.  :)
> >
> >     Julia
> >
> >off alcohol for awhile
> >
> When I was still nursing Tom, I used to drink one or two glasses of dark 
> ale a day (Heineken* dark that is). It was very soothing and since there 
> are a lot of sugars in it, it was also very nourishing. I wouldn't have 
> thought of it myself but the midwife highly recommended it... <grin>.

My mom was given similar advice while nursing me.  So was the mother of a 
friend of mine.  But these days in the US they're saying "no alcohol".  
One reason, I think, is that alcohol is mildly dehydrating and dehydration 
is the last thing you need while you're making milk.

I'll probably go back to the occasional drink sooner this time around.  I 
would *really* like a good margarita.  Maybe in January.

> * Yeah shoot me. I voluntarily drank Heineken and I liked it. But only 
> the dark ale, their pilsener you can keep.

Darker beers are better, IMO.  (So, please don't offer me a Corona, OK, 
folks?)  I think they also have more of the stuff that's in beer that's 
good for you, as well.  (IIRC some of those things are antioxidants....)


but Chuck drank the last Shiner Bock and all we have now is the stuff my 
mom bought when she was here, which *isn't* dark, so I won't be tempted by 
the beer in the fridge


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