On Mon, 1 Dec 2003, Reggie Bautista wrote:

> George wrote:
> >BTW:  my wife and I leave for the States on the 18th to visit the daughter
> >and folks.  Due to a little thing called the date line, we get to Atlanta 
> >25
> >minutes before we leave (but I'm betting we'll be pretty tired).  Anyway, 
> >on
> >the 19th, we WILL be seeing The Return of the King.
> Have a safe trip!  My wife and I will probably be seeing _RotK_ on the
> 20th. I'm scheduled for an extreme amount of overtime earlier that week.

I'll probably end up going on my own at some point on a weekday when I
have enough bottles of milk for the babies stored up.

And it will probably be the only movie I see in a theater before the 
babies are 4 or 5 months old....



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