Reggie wrote:

Quite possibly, but it depends on why that person nearly walked out.

Reggie Bautista
Details? Maru

You asked for it 8^). Deploy rant mode....

It's been almost a year since I've seen it, so I can't remember everything, but several things stuck in my mind. The Warg battle was not in the book, not necessary to develop the story and didn't add anything to it other than another action sequence. Likewise with Aragorn falling in the river. Gimli as comic relief didn't work for me at all. I thought that the Ents were going to be cool when Pipin and Merry first met up with Treebeard, but the Entmoot was poorly done (were there more than six Ents in attendance?) and the result was contrary (and far inferior) to the book. Eomer's story was inexplicably altered for the worse. Theodin's awakening was overdone as was his reaction to his son's death at the funeral mounds. All the stuff with Elrond and Arwen was overdone and stupid.

The best part of the movie was the Frodo/Sam/Gollum thread, but they managed to screw that up at the end by changing the story again. The ending was in the wrong place and completely ruined the story for me. If the movie was too long to end it in the right place, they should have just gotten rid of all the crap they made up and ended it in the right place.

The frustrating thing is that all the elements were there to make a great movie - the Orcs, Orthanic, Helms Deep, Edoras, Minas Turith, the Gates of Mordor, the Marshes of the Dead, Fangorn, etc. etc., and the actors were all excellent. All they had to do was tell the story, but they f**ked it up. It was that much more disappointing after how well they followed the story in TFotR.

Now they've got to spend a good bit of time finishing book two in movie three and I'm sure they'll have to axe a bunch of stuff out of that to make it short enough. No Scouring of the Shire, I'll bet, or if it's there it will be severely truncated.

If I had the patience to watch it again I could probably write a much longer and more specific rant, but you get the idea.

Stow rant mode...


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