At 01:47 PM 1/2/04, Chad Cooper wrote:
Our corporate proxy is now blocking access to Dr. Brin's web site..
Below is the message.

The Websense category "Cultural Institutions" is filtered.

We use a product from . This web site filter
blocks about a quarter of the link published on this list.

According to WebSense, they define cultural institutions as :"
 Cultural Institutions -- Sites sponsored by museums, galleries, theatres
(but not movie theatres), libraries, and similar institutions; also, sites
whose purpose is the display of artworks. "

Well, the friendly public servants at the Library of Congress have decided to block numerous whole domains (including from sending anything at all to them because they claim that they have gotten spam from someone using an account at that domain. I've been on the SF-Literature list hosted there since at least 1998 or 1999, and now I can't respond to posts on the list or even contact the moderator off-list (because her address is also on one of the servers which is blocking all messages from I don't know if Himself is a member of that list, but Greg Bear is, (though come to think of it, I haven't seen any recent messages from him, either . . . ;-) )

And as far as spam goes, as Randy Cunningham commented on his "This Is True" list, "It's 2004, and the new anti-spam law is in place. Notice any reduction in the amount of junk in your inbox? Neither have I." In fact, if my inbox is typical, if anything, recently it's been getting worse . . .

Frustrated Maru

-- Ronn! :)


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