> From: John D. Giorgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 02:17 PM 1/6/2004 -0600 The Fool wrote:
> >
> >Double Standards on Regional Bigotry 
> >
> >Imagine if I ran an ad which went something like "George Bush should
> >his negro lynching, anti-intellectual, pig feet eating,
> >wife beating..." before the farmer's wife then finishes the sentence:
> >"... KKK-loving, right-wing freak show back to Texas where it
> >
> >Mine's slightly more over the top than the actual Club for Growth ad,
> >it's no more incorrect.
> Slightly?

More than slightly.
> This country has zero-tolerance for white-on-black race based insults.

Bullshit.  The Republican party is _built_ on confederate loving, racist,
bigoted, bible thumping fundamentalists in the south.  Republicans
couldn't win without the bigot vote.  Republicans like Rush, and
Buchanan, routinely pander to bigoted southerners.


I Pledge Impertinence to the Flag-Waving of the Unindicted
Co-Conspirators of America
and to the Republicans for which I can't stand
one Abomination, Underhanded Fraud
with Liberty and Justice Forget it.

 -Life in Hell (Matt Groening)


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