----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: One bit of ecconomic data

> On Sat, Jan 17, 2004 at 11:35:26PM -0600, Dan Minette wrote:
> > One final proposition.  I'll be willing to look at the best 8 years
> > of the 14 of Reagan-Bush I & II (we don't have data for '03) and
> > compare then to Clinton's 8 years. I bet that I will see significant
> > differences in the distribution of economic growth.  I'll pick the
> > best 8 years as the 8 years with the greatest growth.  I'd call that
> > bending over backwards to give Reagan and Bush a fair shake.
> Sounds interesting. I'd like to see that analysis!

As a first step, let me give the years I picked for Reagan, Bush^2 as well
as the total growth during that time compared to Clinton

The years I picked as the best are 83-89 and 92.  I simply ordered the
years in terms of GDP and picked the top 8.  Total growth during those 8
years was 38.1%.  Total growth during Clinton's 8 years was 34.1%.  So, by
cherry picking the best years of growth under Reagan Bush^2, I have gotten
a span that is slightly better, overall, than Clinton's years.  I think
this will be a more than fair basis for my analysis.  Comments are welcome,
of course.  Indeed, I'd like suggestions for doing things before I go
through the work so I can incorporate good suggestions into my technique.
But, if people want to wait and then do it their own way, that's cool too.

Dan M.


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