> I've always found Clancy and the like quite
> mediocre. Somewhat comparable to 
> King.

I posted on this before, and I agree. I read Red Storm
Rising in HS, and despite the fact that many people
talk well about the book, I felt it was pretty bad.
The writing was OK, but what I really disagreed with
is the contrived beginning and ending, which really
broke the bounds of suspension of disbelief (the
Soviets come up with this crackpot plan to invade
NATO, so they can later invade the Middle East to
secure the oil supply, all the while because of
terrorists destroying the oil fields, leaving them
with a limited supply of fuel!?!). The ending is
equally dodgy (status quo re-established). After that
I lost any real interest in continuing to read his
fiction, though I do have some of his non-fiction in
my collection.


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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