
Reviews for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"

"Every time I preach or speak about the Cross, the things I saw on the
screen will be on my heart and mind. 
-- Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association"

"Hailed by the Jew controlled media as 'controversial' and
'anti-Semitic', this film recounts the last 12 hours of Jesus's life,
bringing to the big screen the treachery and betrayal of the murderous
-- Aryan Nations

"It is deeply moving, powerful, and disturbing. A film that must be seen"

--James Dobson, Chairman, Focus on the Family 

"Attending this movie is a way to throw Jesus' blood on the filthy jews"
--Vangard News Network

"I am praying that Mel Gibson's movie will have a powerful impact on our
-- Jerry Falwell, The Liberty Channel 

"After watching what Christ went through for me -- I was ready to knock
someone in the head! "
-- Christian Comedian Chonda Pierce (From a letter posted on the National
Vangard web site)

"Every Christian MUST go see this movie and hold Mr. Gibson up in prayer"
-- Paul Crouch, Jr., Trinity Broadcasting Network

"...every White Nationalist in the movement will pay to see Mel Gibson's
next movie"
-- The White Revolution Report

"I tell you, is magic. It's a miracle. It's a miracle"
-- Matt Drudge, Drudge Report 

"Make sure you go see Mel Gibson' new movie, "The Passion of the Christ."
This movie is going to expose the jew to the world as the devious,
sinister, sons and daughters of Satan they truly are!"
--Pastor James P. Wickstrom, Posse Comitatus Leader

I have no doubt that the movie will be one of the greatest evangelistic
tools in modern day history. 
-- Ed Young Jr., Pastor, Dallas-Area Fellowship Church 


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