> From: Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Fool wrote:
> > -- Aryan Nations
> > --Vangard News Network
> > -- Christian Comedian Chonda Pierce (From a letter posted on the
> > Vangard web site)
> > -- The White Revolution Report
> I believe that you are furthering the causes of these broods of vipers 
> by republishing their venom.
> I won't even give their words the respect shown by repeating them, even

> to point out the evil they contain.

That was never my intention.  My intention was to bring to the forefront
this issue of how all these groups, extreme-right-wingers, evangelicals,
hate groups, and holocaust deniers, etc. are pushing this film-this
meme-as part of  new cultural war.  And personally I put Robertson and
Falwell with these four as peas in a pod.

Also I think it's important to expose the views of groups like these, so
that people who don't know what these groups stand for are really about. 
A lot of these groups say one thing when they are _Frequently_ invited on
as guest commentators to Fox News or MSNBC, but they say different things
to their core followers.


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