--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think you aren't looking closely enough. As I
> said, the conservative uses 
> different language so lack of respect will come out
> in different ways. Use of 
> buzz words that convey an allegiance to "american
> values" to obscure actions 
> that are harmful to many americans is indicative of
> contempt for the american 
> public. I am thinking now mostly of talking heads
> like Limbaugh, Hannety and 
> O'Reilly. 

But Bob, again, we're just circling the point.  They
are actions that _you think_ are harmful to many
Americans.  But they aren't actions that _they think_
are harmful to many Americans.  You might be right,
but that doesn't make their opinions less honest.  It
just makes them wrong.  Many conservatives (myself
included) feel a genuine attachment to American values
- in fact they feel that their defense against the
assaults of the modern left is the most important
objective of modern American conservatism.  In order
to feel that invocations of American values are
indicative of contempt of the American public, you
have to believe, first, that the people doing the
invoking don't believe in those values, and, second,
that the policies that they are supporting are
actually bad for Americans.  But I don't think they
think so, any more than I think that (most) of the
liberals who opposed welfare reform believed that
doing so would hurt the poor.  So I think we just
returned to where we started.  If they honestly
believe that tax cuts (for example) are good for most
Americans, then using American values to justify them
is an honest (and effective) rhetorical argument. 
Again, the problem you're running into is why the
modern left finds it so difficult to invoke American
values as something to be proud of.  In conservative
circles, "we shouldn't do this because it's not the
American way" is an extraordinarily powerful argument.
 It doesn't seem to me that this is true nearly as
often (if ever) on the other side of the fence. 
Before the Vietnam War that wasn't true.  Today,
Michael Walzer rights essays asking if it is even
_possible_ for there to be a decent Left, and his
answer appears to be yes, but it doesn't exist right
now.  If the editor of _Dissent_ is saying that, then
there is a problem, and that problem is at the center
of this discussion.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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