On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 02:17:39PM -0800, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> Ashcroft has done any significant abrogation of the basic rights of
> citizens, and he has _never_ claimed that everyone who disagrees with
> him is un-american.

Gautam, they called their anti-rights law "Patriot Act". That certainly
carries the message that you are unAmerican if you oppose it.

> and think that anti-terrorism legislation should be strong and
> enforced without wanting to restrict basic rights.

Who cares whether you WANT to restrict basic rights -- if you support
legislation that restricts the basic rights, then you are imposing your
cowardice on others. You know Gautam, I believe that people like you
are a big danger to America's freedom, and people like you should be
locked up without access to a lawyer and without a trial. You deserve
to be held for years until we can get you to reveal everything you know
about other evildoers like you, until the danger you pose to American's
freedom has ended, until we have won the war against anti-freedom

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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