At 09:51 AM 2/16/2004 -0800 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
>So we were wrong.  We were wrong in Libya too, but in
>the exact opposite direction.  We had _no idea_ that
>their WMD program was advanced as it was.  

And in Iran.

And in the DPRK.

And in Pakistan.

And in India.

And in Iraq in 1991.

Shall I go on?

The moral of the story is that given the track record of US Intelligence, a
President would have to be criminally incompetent to rely solely upon those
things that US Intelligence believed "for certain."

Indeed, there is a very strong track record above which indicates that US
Intelligence has tended to under-estimate other countries' WMD capabilities
virtually *every* time.

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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