> > 
> > You assume that Millions of average people had a blind hatred, 
> > had found justification any way they could, simply to persecute a 
> > group they had blind hatred for.
> > 
> In fact millions of people did hate the jews. It was the official 
position of 
> the 
> Church and most states for over 1000 years. 

Hay, you won't get me defending the Catholic church. And you might 
notice for a second that I am not talking about leadership.

The Europeans did a lot of forced cristianity. They did that just as 
much to every other religion,...or non religion. It wasn't 
specificaly addressed at the Jews, but rather at anyone who did not 

> Why not read a bit of history before you continue to make remarks 
like this. 
> Try Johnson's "History of  the Jews" or "Constantines Sword"

Yes, but you could read a bit about any other people and the 
hardships they have experienced. The species is rather violent, and 
agressive to those who believe or act differently.

> > That sounds a bit like raceism to me. Have you not vilified a 
> > people?
> It isn't racism by the way but if you are asking me if christians 
> collective guilt for what was done to the jews over and over again 
throughout the 
> west, well yes. 

Oh, so -YOU (the individual)- DO believe in collective guilt for 
christians, but you don't believe in collective guilt for jews? 

>Does that mean that Christians need to go around apologizing to 
> Jews. Of course not. Does it mean that they have a  moral 
obligation to avoid 
> statements and actions that put jews at risk or in fear; yes 

Didn't this all start from a conversation about some jewish leaders 
who tried and silence the chrisians religion when it was just getting 
started? What "moral obligation" does that in your reconing then 
place on jews? 

You can't have it both ways. Either there is collective guilt or 
there isn't. I think also that most other jews would agree with me. 
But then, a good many of my friends are jewish by birth, but not 

When the crusaders stopped in Mainse in Germany and 
> demanded that the jews convert or die, that was not about money 
lending, It was 
> about burning woman and children who refused to convert.

Even other non christians. 

> When jews were tortured and murdered in the Spanish Inquisition ....

Yes jews were among those murdered in the spanish inquisition, so 
were many others.

When Pope Pious did not lift a 
> finger when the Nazis marched jews in frount of the Vatican City in 
World War 
> II that was not about money. 

Those eveil christians, their leaders sat by and did nothing instead 
of getting killed.

>When the US military command refused to bomb 
> Auschwitz even they knew that the Germans were murdering jews in 
large numbers and 
> despite the pleas of american 

What? Ok I have studied a lot about WWII and that has never come up. 
Besides, even if the US Military knew would you have them kill 
possibly thousands in the attack? Would it have been better for the 
US bombs to kill them, or the gas that we now know they were 
subjected to?
>It is 
> about anti-semtism promoted or at least condoned by organized 

Yes christians are anti-jewish faith. They are also anti-

> Are you serious? The rest of the statement went on to say that this 
> hogwash. The jews did what they had to do because they were allowed 
to do nothing 
> else. Do you understand that the vast majority of jews lived in 
grinding poverty 
> throughout most of their history. A few jews earned a lot of money 
(only to 
> have it taken away on occasion on the whim of king or priest) but 
most were 
> incredibly  poor. 

Not at the time we were discussing. And not in the eyes of the 
average christian european. 

Hate? yes that did occure. Evil, yes, but there were early warning 
signs. That is what we should be interested in, how do humans get to 
that state.


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