David Hobby wrote:
>> They are. One of the justifications for the brazilian coup
>> d'etat in 1964 was that the then President had been the
>> Vice President for two periods, and since reelection of
>> the President was not allowed, he didn't have a legitimate
>> claim to Presidency. Also, when he fled the armed forces,
>> the Senate declared that the Presidency was vacant, because
>> he was not there (!).
>       You say "when he fled the armed forces"?  Armed
> forces are not particularly subtle.
Yes, but there was no _battle_. The armed forces could
be just parading. There was no killing during the coup d'etat
of 1964 [as there was no killing in the coup d'etat of
1889 that deposed the Monarchy - just one man was shot,
but he was saved in time by a young caded and survived]

Alberto Monteiro


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