Michael Harney wrote:
>> It depends on how you define "humans". If we consider the separation from
>> the chimpanzee(s), it would be _much_ earlier, 1 to 7 million years ago.
> I was speeking of humans as a species (homo sapiens), 
But we don't know _for sure_ if Homo erectus was a race of Homo
sapies or a different species. There are some hints that it was possible
to exchange genes from H. erectus to H. sapies - this would place
the origin of humans back to 1 million years ago.

> just as I was talking
> about bottlenose dolphins as a species (tursiops truncatus).  If you want
> to go from when the family first formed and species branched off, then
> delphinidae (the family which bottlenose dolphins belong to) started about
> 10 Million years ago.
Again, we don't know if the Tursiops truncatus is the same species
for such a long time. I don't think there's any useful DNA to check

Alberto Monteiro


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