--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 2/24/2004 10:25:09 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, 
> the precise roll of the judiciary was not well
> spelled out by the 
> constitution. It was George Marshall who made the
> court what it is by defining its roll 
> as the instituion that could rule on the
> constituionality of laws. But you 
> display a bit of bias in your wording. When a court
> rules in ways you - I mean the 
> royal here - don't like you accuse if of making law.
> When it rules in novel 
> ways that you support it is upholding the
> constitution. once again this is not 
> personal but a generic complaint about activist
> courts. The Warren court was 
> activist but so has been the Rhenquist court.

Let me stand up for my own intellectual consistency
here, at least.  The Warren Court was activist, yet
maintained a great deal of deference to the
legislative branch.  The Renquist Court has been less
activist, I think, but far less deferential to the
legislature.  Yet Warren is (IMO, but in most people's
as well) the second greatest of all Chief Justices,
and Rehnquist (IMO, but not _just_ in my opinion) is
the second worst.  It's perfectly reasonable to decry
activism of _some types_ while opposing other types of
activism.  I disagree with the way the Rehnquist court
has acted, _even when, in many cases, I agree with the
policy outcomes that its mandates have dictated_.  I
can't speak for John, but I think it's unfair to state
as a blanket that he supports activism that he agrees
with and opposes activism that he disagrees with
without probing to see if there's a judicial
philosophy underlying those positions that makes them
consistent, instead of hypocritical.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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