At Toronto Trek in 2001, there was a Vogon Poetry contest. I entered, and decided to write some Vogon haiku (the idea being that there was this Vogon who was just SO bloody-minded that he was not content simply to write bad poetry but was insistent on writing haiku.

Here's what I wrote:

Space is really big
Really, really, really big [imagine the poet counting on his fingers to make sure he gets enough syllables]
Really, really big

Space is really dark
Really, really, really dark
Really, really dark

Space is big and dark
Just like my bowel movements
Gosh, that one is huge!

When the time came to read it out loud to the other contestants, I almost couldn't read it, I was laughing so loud.

Needless to say, I won.

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Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd see the last." - Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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