Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

    The problem with base 12 is that it has _2_ twice and _3_ once
    when you factor it, so that the "practical man" rules to check if
    a number is divisible by another would get a higher degree of

Ah, I see your point.  However, I don't use those rules.  I learned
them many years ago, but don't remember them.

You raise an interesting point.  My question is whether the
application of those rules provides enough of a issue to have made
much of a difference these last 800 (base 10) years?

    Base 6 would be a much better choice than base 12.

No, it would not, since 6 is not readily divisible by 4.  If you want
to make halves, thirds, and quarters easy, then 12 is the minimum.

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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