> Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >At 03:56 PM 3/12/04, Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > If it only involved the death or maiming of
> >the imbiber, a harsh view would be "Darwin at
> >But of course all-too-frequently, those who happen
> >to be at the wrong place at the wrong moment are
> >victims.
> I've heard (maybe you can confirm or correct this)
> that many times the 
> drunk driver is so "relaxed" that he is less injured
> while the sober person 
> he hits is wide awake and frantically trying to do
> something to avoid the 
> accident and so is tensed up and likely to be more
> seriously injured . . .

That is certainly both 'conventional wisdom' and the
impression I got from most ER personnel, but a quick
search of PubMed and eMedicine did not turn anything
confirmatory up...even a quick perusal of MADD's FAQs
didn't help.  

<scratches forehead>  I don't think there will be too
many volunteers to do the controlled study on this
one...  :P

Some Questions May Never Be Answered Maru 
(meaning no disrespect!)  ;)

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