At 07:42 PM 3/12/04, Kevin Tarr wrote:

I've heard (maybe you can confirm or correct this) that many times the drunk driver is so "relaxed" that he is less injured while the sober person he hits is wide awake and frantically trying to do something to avoid the accident and so is tensed up and likely to be more seriously injured . . .

-- Ronn! :)

I didn't answer the way I wanted to. (Damn this racing brain!)

I meant: you will hear more anecdotal stories about someone walking away from an accident, whether drunk or not, then ones with an injury. You will more easily remember the no-one-was-hurt reports. It's the way the brain works. If I (accidentally) recall a bad memory it feels like a blow to the head; sometimes I'll have a physically reaction. But good memories are easy to recall, are brought back just to savor the experience.

I've heard it from sources in the medical field, which was why I wondered if Debbi (or any of the other list members with medical connections) had heard the same thing. From her answer, it still seems possible that it is anecdotal or a selection effect or that it is a real effect . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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