On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 10:23:53AM -0500, Jon Gabriel wrote:

> Let's see what Julia and Nick say.  If they feel I'm wrong, I'll let
> it go.

Mindless appeal to perceived authority. I would have expected better
from you.

> Nice little manipulation of my words there.  Do you always argue by
> twisting someone's words into what you think they've said rather than
> addressing the points they are making?

Do you always lie about being sorry, repeatedly, and then accuse someone
else of twisting your words?

> I believe I explained myself adequately.

Yes, it is quite clear you feel safe to attack and silence someone while
hiding behind your alias and hypocritically accusing someone else of
"attacking" when they are actually expressing their opinion and have
never attempted to force their opinion on others.

Self-righteous hypocritical cowardly control-freak.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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