On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 03:47:37PM -0330, Travis Edmunds wrote:

> Erik wrote:

> >[{Awwwwww, pooooooor Jooooonn. Can't figure out how to use the delete key
> >and gets his itsy bitsy brainy-wainy all worked up about it. Awwwwww.}]

> Check out what's in those brackets...
> Do you smell it?
> Yup, you got it! Smells like hypocrisy...

Sigh. Does it really take more than a few seconds of thought to
understand the difference between freely choosing to use a delete
key (or kill file) to not read emails on the one hand, and NOT BEING
PERMITTED to write emails? One is a free choice for both parties (to
write or not to write & to read or not to read), the other is one party
forcing the other party not to write. Anyone who values free expression
would object to the latter. Only an idiot would call such a person a

Do you smell it? Smells like someone so full of themselves that they
start to believe their own cutesy writing is worth something even when
there is no meaningful thought behind it.

> You're unbelievable Erik.

Perhaps, if you're an idiot. You aren't worth talking to anymore Travis.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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