Some of the people who made those predictions are now very unhappy
with the culture they live in.

Big deal. Do YOU think the world has gone to hell because Jews aren't discriminated against, because African-Americans can play in the major leagues and vote and hold office in the deep South and marry anyone they want? I don't think anyone on this list actually feels that way. At least, I hope nobody on this list does.

If anyone actualy fits this stereotype then I would bet that they
think things really have already "gone to hell".

What stereotype? There really were people who predicted the end of the world when Congress passed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s. I remember. The arguments being made now against same-sex marriage were made, practically word-for-word, by the people who made arguments in the past against interracial marriage. In 1936, the president of Yale University called for "an Armenian style massacre against the Jews" of Connecticut (wonder what he felt like in 1945?) because so many young Jewish students from the area were entering Yale.

I think it's America's glory that we have progressed along the road to greater equality for all. I don't care that some few at the fringes would define that as degeneration. If we permitted that attitude to hold sway, interracial marriage might still be illegal in many states. Anyone who thinks abolishing discrimination means the world is going to hell - as far as I'm concerned, they can go to hell themselves.

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Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd see the last." - Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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