First a very poor statement, to get it out of my head: There are a few hundred million people who do think the world has gone to hell, and it started 1400 years ago. Maybe you've seen their work?

I'm not claiming the world is going to hell since there is no such place. If our society doesn't revert to the stone age on it's own*, we'll probably have an Excession event that will make us realize how close we are, and how far different things could be. *(not saying any of the social issues will drive us there.)

Okay. You've mentioned societal changes. While all had laudable goals, do you believe they were 100% beneficial; no bad side effects? This could quickly dissolve into a 'who has the worst story' contest. "Gee Kevin, do you think it was a good thing that the blacks had their own entrance into the hotel, around the back next to the dumpster if they were served at all?" I will agree that changes had to come, that many problems in society were just outright bigotry or ignorance...whatever.

But I want you to see the problems that arose since then. (Not saying we turn back the clock! Not saying you can't see the problems already! Just let me have enough rope to trap myself). Has forced segregation really helped inner city schools? Or forced busing? Is society better because of looser marriage rules? Has the adulation of otherwise useless people, like actors or athletes, really helped society? (Again, not saying breaking the color line did this; just in the grand scheme of things what does it matter?)

You can agree or disagree with the last paragraphs; what does it have to do with gay marriage? They just want what others have, they want to be equal, to be happy. Just because some uptight people are offended, they shouldn't be discriminated against.

My PoV is that it is just another step in the wrong direction. There are so many unintended consequences that honest people try to bring up and they are shouted down by being called bigots, ect. Because of the Lawrence vs. Texas ruling, a man has challenged the law against bigamy. The MBLA crowd has been rumbling. This in less than one year. What will happen in 40 years?

Kevin T. - VRWC
Enough for now

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