Clark seems to be imploding. I wouldn't start your happy dance just yet.

I guess this is the year of the Flip Flop People in the Dhimmicratic Party.,8599,604598,00.html

And, via Instapundit:

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doug Pensinger
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:13 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Bush's brand new enemy is the truth
> Bush's brand new enemy is the truth
> Clarke's claims have shaken the White House to its foundations
> Sidney Blumenthal
> Thursday March 25, 2004
> The Guardian
> exerpts:
> " Clarke was not the only national security professional who 
> spanned both the Clinton and Bush administrations. General 
> Donald Kerrick served as deputy national security adviser 
> under Clinton and remained on the NSC into the Bush 
> administration. He wrote his replacement, Stephen Hadley, a 
> two-page memo. "It was classified," Kerrick told me. "I said 
> they needed to pay attention to al-Qaida and 
> counterterrorism. I said we were going to be struck again. 
> They never once asked me a question, nor did I see them 
> having a serious discussion about it ... I agree with Dick 
> that they saw those problems through an Iraqi prism. But the 
> evidence, the intelligence, wasn't there."
> and
> "Bush protests now: "And had my administration had any 
> information that terrorists were going to attack New York 
> City on September 11, we would have acted." But he had plenty 
> of information. The former deputy attorney general, Jamie 
> Gorelick, the only member of the 9/11 commission to read the 
> president's daily brief, revealed in the hearings that the 
> documents "would set your hair on fire" and that the 
> intelligence warnings of al-Qaida attacks "plateaued at a 
> spike level for months" before September 11. Bush is fighting 
> public release of these PDBs, which would show whether he had 
> marked them up and demanded action."
> --
> Doug
> _______________________________________________


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