Mike Lee wrote:
> > > What about workers who put profit over their own lives?
> >
> >
> > Huh?
> Your assumption is that employers are adults and employees are stupid
> children unable or unwilling to look out for their own best interests.
> There may be cases where hidden hazards cannot be perceived by employees,
> but these are the exception, not the rule. Employees have a responsibility
> to refuse to work in conditions they deem too dangerous. When they ignore
> dangers, then they are putting their own profit over their own lives.
> -Mike

That's a great laissez-faire argument, which I might even accept if
unemployment were sufficiently low that it was clear that employees
had some other options.  

The present situation is like musical chairs, with jobs as the chairs.
Some poor sap is going to get stuck with a job that is more dangerous
than it needs to be.

When the market messes up, and people start dying from risks they 
did not have a chance to freely accept, then Government SHOULD 


Overly simplistic economic theory, Maru?

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