> Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Of course, if one thinks that Armegeddon is just
> > 'round the corner, one might ignore possible
> >future consequences of one's actions.
> > 
> > Debbi
> > Responsible Stewards Maru
> And if one is so fiercely committed to defeating
> Republicans that one entirely ignores the facts,
> makes it easier too.  The atmosphere under the Bush
> Administration has not only continued to get cleaner
> -
> the Administration has made several major regulatory
> pushes (diesel emission regulations, for example)
> that substantially advance the environmental agenda.
> http://www.tnr.com/easterbrook.mhtml?pid=1598
> http://www.tnr.com/easterbrook.mhtml?week=2004-03-30

Gautam: this administration's proposed alterations to
the Clean Air Act allow increased mercury emissions,
yet guidelines for consumption of mercury-containing
fish (such as tuna) by pregnant women and young
children have already been recently revised downward
(I can provide any number of links if you wish).

And for the record, I was *appalled* at some of the
provisions of NAFTA (chapter 11, specifically, IIRC),
which was a Clinton admin screw-up WRT the

Kindly do not mistake me for some blindly-obedient


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