--- Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK, Yahoo is truncating messages again, so I can't
quote Debbi.  Damn.  We appear to agree that the
charges against the Bush Administration about mercury
have been vastly exaggerated.  What does it say, btw,
that with absolutely no knowledge of the issue it was
still easy to predict that this would be the case?  I
think I'm being fair in paraphrasing her concluding
thought by saying that she suggests that in the
conclusion to my last message I was lumping together
extremists and the mainstream environmental movement
in talking about the banning of DDT.  

My rebuttal to that argument is simple - no one uses
DDT anymore.  Basically no one in the world.  If it's
only the extremsists, how come they won so completely?
 Everyone knew - without any doubt whatsoever,
_everyone knew_ - that banning DDT would cause a
massive spike in malaria worldwide.  It was
nonetheless banned, and malaria did spike.  90+% of
the people in the world who have died of malaria since
DDT was banned _died because DDT was banned_.  They
died because the environmental movement has been
captured by extremists.  They didn't die because
environmental activists wanted them to die.  They died
because environmental activists _didn't care_, and
they won the argument, against all reason and

There are any number of other examples.  Golden rice. 
Genetically engineered food crops in Africa.  That was
a really stunning example, actually.  The Western
Europeans decided - openly and consciously - that it
was better for Africans to die in a famine than use
genetically engineered American crops.  I can't
imagine being so callous - but for them it was about
"protecting the environment."

I'd put it this way.  I defy you to name a single
person whose life has been saved by the environmental
movement.  I don't deny that there are such people -
but no one can name them.  But I can think of quite a
few people who are alive _despite_ the best efforts of
the environmental movement - starting with my parents.
 As long as that is true, how do you think I'm going
to feel about Greenpeace?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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