--- Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gautam: this administration's proposed alterations
> to
> the Clean Air Act allow increased mercury emissions,
> yet guidelines for consumption of mercury-containing
> fish (such as tuna) by pregnant women and young
> children have already been recently revised downward
> (I can provide any number of links if you wish).

Do please.  Because, quite frankly, I don't believe
you.  I mean, I'm sure you think you're correct, but
the level of dishonesty on issues like this is so
total that I don't believe _anything_ put out by any
environmental group.  Gregg Easterbrook - who's wrong
on many things, but does pretty well on environmental
issues - pointed this out as well.


It may be the case.  But I'd have to see something
other than a Greepeace press release to convince me -
my attitude towards them echoes Dorothy Parker's
famous comment - everything they say is a lie,
including and and the.

> Kindly do not mistake me for some blindly-obedient
> Democrat-myrmidon.
> Debbi

No, I just notice that you tend to believe things that
the environmental radicals do, and I don't believe
them.  I don't think you're dishonest, I think you
trust people who are completely dishonest.  Witness
your discussion with Dan on nuclear power.  

Since the environmental movement has done more harm to
the poor of the world than any other such supposedly
well-intentioned group, their dogma gets a very
visceral reaction from me.  When you get down to it,
you've got a bunch of people who would rather millions
of poor brown people die from malaria than even
consider the possibility of using DDT.  So I don't
trust them, and when they claim - against all evidence
- that mercury pollution is going to go up, when every
pollutant in the US is decreasing in release quantity
- I don't believe them.  Their credibility is less
than zero.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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