Thanks for sending this.
My response is complex so please let me put it into

1) The Left-vs-Right political axis is a piece of
arrant nonsense that I have inveighed against before. 
If nothing else can kill this undead piece of
mind-limiting drivel, it should be the fact that the
damn thing is French.  Nobody can define it.  Those
who idintify themselves along that one-dimensional
insipidity only advertise that they are idiots.

2) Having said that, I admit that these dopes have
slotted themselves INTO the axis, so I will use it.

3)  The left has many sins.  At worst, they often call
for abandonment of the "right hand" of human action,
market forces, which have been responsible for well
over half of all human wealth, productivity and

4) Moreover, the word liberal has been turned into a
curse word NOT by liberal causes and programs (which
polls show the public profoundly prefer over the
right's agenda) but because of the insane practice of
badmouthing fellow citizens as "suv-driving, racist,
sexist so and sos"  The one liberal who never did this
was the one they never defeated.  Bill Clinton.

(For more on this see:

5) Having said that, let me add that the right is even
worse.  They are so frantic to make excuses for a band
of aristocratic thieves that they will contort into
every pretzel shape imaginable.  The Saudis are our
trustworthy friends, it's okay to lie about WMD but
not about getting a little nookie in a closet, It's
okay to steal a trillion dollars for your 20,000 frat
brothers, even when Alan Greenspan calls "trickle
down" an insane theory....

... and so on.  The latest, attacking Kerrey's war
record, shows just how biliously crazy these people

6)  It is rooted, of course, in the us-vs-them
attitude that is engendered in us all by tribal
instincts 100,000 years old.  SOmehow, the need to
demonize those you disagree with is titanic within us.
 ABsolutely nuts.  But titanic.  Somehow it makes
sense to attribute to your foes motives that obviously
have nothing whatsoever to do with their real motives.

There is only one reason to do this. (And the left
does it too).  It is to make yourself feel good.

That's the only thing it accomplishes.  It does not
advance public policy./  It does not persuade the
other side to compromise.  It only persuades them that
YOU are as horrible as THEY want to think you are.

Hence the drivel below about the motives of
environmentalists.  Complete hokum.  Nobody who says
such drivel should have been allowed to pass 7th grade
logic or composition class.

But you see, the right has a severe problem.  They
MUST exaggerate.  Because if the left has any reason
at all, then they can claim the moral high ground. 
As-is, they were responsible for fighting segregation
and discrimination, as well as taking on Hitler and
Stalin and such.  If they can ALSO be credited for
saving the world from eco-destruction?

The right does have areas where it is correct. 
MArkets create wealth, without which taxes and schools
and such are impossible.  The left is nuts to ignore

But that side is DRY DRY DRY!  If Jesus arrived today,
he would not give a damn about markets, and they know
it.  He said give the shirt off your back to the poor
RIGHT NOW!  He did not teach a man to fish, he gave
the man fish.

Face it, if he arrived here today, he would not be a
democrat, or even a Naderite.

He'd be a flaming socialist.

That hurts though!  It's the whole reason the right
has gone hog wild over abortion.  They could not care
less about poor kids who do get born, but they obsess
on "saving babies" for one reason.  To try and take
away from the left the moral high ground.  Jesus may
be a pinko, but he'll vote Republican.  For the


All of which is to say that we are due for an insane
season of outright lies and incredible character
assasination.  These friends of ous (remember that!)
on the right are ill, folks.  So don't hold it against
them that they MUST see all opposition as hateful,
evil, filled with lust for utter destruction of every
decent human value.

(Like the way the GOP gathered 12 males in the House
ALL of whom had had messy horrible divorces, and
chanrged them with prosecuting a one-marriage
president with moral turpitude.)

They must do this in order to mask the facts that they
cannot turn around to face, about their own
kleptocratic leadership.

Sigh, there is no fixing this.  All you can do is hope
the Kerry will appeal to the vast sea of moderates who
are sick of left-right fetishism.  Who want to go back
to the AMerican tradition of pragmatism.  Save the
planet WHILE having our toys.  Help the poor WHILE
encouraging wealth.

At least this year our other enemies, the insane
lefties, should be more quiet.  Chastened by the hell
the wrought last time by supporting Nader.

With cordial regards,

David Brin

--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dr. Brin, several right-wingers on the list have
> been posting screeds
> like this one against the environment and
> environmentalism.  I am curious
> as to your thoughts on the matter, as I think this
> particular article is
> one of the most mendacious pieces of propaganda ever
> written.
> > ----------
> > From: Kevin Tarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > On Earth Day Remember: If Environmentalism
> Succeeds, It Will Make Human
> > Life Impossible
> > 
> > By Michael S. Berliner
> > 
> >          Earth Day approaches, and with it a grave
> danger faces
> mankind. 
> > The danger is not from acid rain, global warming,
> smog, or the logging
> of
> > 
> > rain forests, as environmentalists would have us
> believe. The danger to
> > mankind is from environmentalism.
> >          The fundamental goal of environmentalism
> is not clean air and > > clean water; rather, it is
the demolition of> technological/industrial > >
civilization. Environmentalism's goal is not the
> advancement of human > > health, human happiness,
and human life; rather,> it is a subhuman world

* Please note.  My email address of many years is changing FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] TO 

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