At 06:18 PM 4/22/2004 -0700 Davd Brin wrote:
> If Jesus arrived today,
>he would not give a damn about markets, and they know
>it.  He said give the shirt off your back to the poor
>RIGHT NOW!  He did not teach a man to fish, he gave
>the man fish.
>Face it, if he arrived here today, he would not be a
>democrat, or even a Naderite.
>He'd be a flaming socialist.

"Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God."
      - Jesus Christ on Taxes

Somehow, I don't think that Jesus would concern himself with tax policy if
he returned.   Instead, he would concern himself with individual salvation.

>That hurts though!  It's the whole reason the right
>has gone hog wild over abortion.  They could not care
>less about poor kids who do get born, 

This is an interesting statement from someone who just posted at length
about the inherent wrongness of demonizing one's opponents to make one feel
good.   This statement conveniently ignores the yeomen efforts made by
pro-lifers to provide pre-nantal and post-natal care to distressed pregnant
women - in stark contrast to Planned Parenthood, which simply tries to get
them abortions as quickly as possible.   Most every serious pro-lifer I
know makes a concerted effort on this regard, from supporting Crisis
Pregnancy Centers to "Baby Supply" drives for leading members.    For
example, I support the local "Centro Tepeyac" (a Crisis Pregnancy Center
focusing on my town's predominantly Hispanic population) as much as any
other charity or cause (except for my tithe to my Parish) and my Dad has
founded and organized an annual "Valentine's Hearts Drive," which collects
thousands of dollars in baby clothes and supplies for needy mothers at his
local Parish.   Anyhow, I don't think that pro-lifers need to justify
ourselves to you.    I'm sure that it simply makes you feel much better to
just say that pro-lifers only care about winning elections for Republican
frat-brothers, and don't care at all about the mothers or the children



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