> From: Davd Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >--- JDG> Somehow, I don't think that Jesus would
> >concern> himself with tax policy if> he returned.  
> >Instead, he would concern himself> with individual
> >salvation.
> In fact, early Christians thought it would not matter.
>  That the End of Days was at hand.  It took more than
> a century for them to stop periodically selling or
> burning or giving away all possessions and standing on
> hilltops expecting the sky to open.

A lot of 'christians' still hold this meme.  They are so obsessed with
Armageddon coming or the rapture that they literally throw their lives
and lives of their children down the toilet.  Jehovah's Witnesses are
especially prone to this kind of thinking.  But it goes further than
that.  Since a lot a 'christians' feel that they are living in the end
times (It's always been the end times since civilization began [*]),
things like the environment don't matter.  After all if Dog's going to
destroy it all anyway...

[*] It's The End Of The World As We Know It...Again


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