Ritu wrote:

So this morning, after six long years, I woke up to an India whose next
govt wouldn't dismiss secularism as 'leftist appeasement/cowardly
reaction', wouldn't offend me by insisting that some citizens live on
the sufferance of others, wouldn't infuriate me by acting as if the
carnage of 2002 was 'understandable' or [even worse] 'expected'....

Mind you, BJP's defeat is not a panacea and Congress *would* infuriate
me too but for now, BJP's exit is a good enough reason to celebrate. :)

Is the replacing government well equipped to make changes? Or is it just more of the same but with a different undercurrent? I still don't understand how an originally born Italian can be a well equipped prime minister of the largest democracy in the world. Can she really have enough background to handle this?

Sonja :o)
GCU: Interested in this form of globalization


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