On Sat, 15 May 2004 23:18:39 -0400, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 10:39 AM 5/14/2004 +0530 Ritu wrote:
> >BJP with its Hindutva ideology [India is for Hindus, let the muslims be
> >aware that they need the goodwill of the hindus to survive and thrive],
> In fairness, it is worth noting that BJP is steadily toned down its
> Hundutva rhetoric while in government, particularly during the most recent
> campaign.    Also, it is worth noting that the Congress campaigned on a
> relatively socialist platform and against many of the economic reforms that
> are absolutely essential to India's development.
The thing I was surprised at was the implied criticisms the reporters
who covered the story here in the US had of Gandhi's Congress Party
and the election results.  BJP had become: borderline racist,
religiously intolerant, tax cuts for large corporations and the
wealthy, nationalistic, beholden to corporate interests,  fawned over
by the press... Hmm,  sounds similar. I guess maybe I shouldn't have
been surprised.

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