At 10:39 AM 5/14/2004 +0530 Ritu wrote:
>BJP with its Hindutva ideology [India is for Hindus, let the muslims be
>aware that they need the goodwill of the hindus to survive and thrive],

In fairness, it is worth noting that BJP is steadily toned down its
Hundutva rhetoric while in government, particularly during the most recent
campaign.    Also, it is worth noting that the Congress campaigned on a
relatively socialist platform and against many of the economic reforms that
are absolutely essential to India's development.

Overall, however, I simply think that it is a good thing for a maturing
democracy to periodically vote in the opposition.   I hope that the
Congress Party and their coalition partners will live up to their promises
to India's poor, vigorously pursue peace with Pakistan, continue the path
of economic reform, and actively deepen ties with the United States.   And
I will say, that today I am optimisitc that Congress will do precisely that.



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