As a new member can I ask if he is always like this?  Is this supposed
to be satire?

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 11:09:27 -0700, Mike Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim, lobbying less than competently for father of the year:
> > Gosh, Mike, how many kids have you raised?  'Cause we all
> > know how darn easy that one is.  I frankly can't imagine
> > doing the job my wife does.  I far prefer having my real job.
> I'm so tired of the fawning faux incompetence expressed by so many men when
> it comes to domestic responsibilities. If you can't imagine raising kids
> competently, then you shouldn't have had them. Saying things like the above
> is the sure sign of the sexist jackass who has no real intention of
> accepting full responsibility for his sperm donees. Now that you do have
> kids, quit pretending that it's so hard to handle the job, buckle down and
> learn how to do it right.
> None of this takes away from my earlier point that most stay-at-home moms
> are marginally competent at best. Part of the reason they suck so bad at
> their jobs is that they aren't held to real standards of performance and
> outcome. And how could we expect them to be held accountable by their
> husbands? We all know what happens to accountability when a woman is
> sleeping with the boss....
> So, I may not be able to hold my wife accountable, and you may not be able
> to hold your wife accountable, but we can at least do a little "Throw Momma
> >From the Train" service for each other by helping to kill the
> self-congratulatory female meme that full time moms work harder than anyone
> else and are doing a great job. Your average receptionist deals with more
> stress, interruptions and infantile behavior than the average mother of
> three, and she does it a lot better too. And she's probably easier to talk
> into bed.
> Mike Lee
> Islamic Moderate

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