"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 02:10 AM 5/5/04, Mike Lee wrote:
> >Ronn insults my offspring:
> >
> > >
> > > I sincerely \*hope*\ that the answer is zero, and also that
> > > he is single, otherwise I feel very sorry for some poor
> > > unfortunate woman and some innocent children . . .
> >
> >
> >Ronn is very sorry.
> I'm am indeed very sorry, but the only thing or person I am very sorry for
> is any woman who has the misfortune to be in a relationship with such a
> misogynist, and for any child unfortunate to have such an [entirely
> appropriate insult elided so as not to offend other innocent parties who
> might read this] as a father, be it biological, adoptive, or step-.
> Trolls 'R' U Maru

You know, whoever he is might be a generally nice guy who just needs to
bloe off steam, or enjoys a good argument (and if it's the latter, we
might not be doing as good a job of it as he'd like).

I don't think he's a misogynist so much as someone who has no patience
with certain classes of women, and hey, I myself have very little
patience with certain classes of women (not necessarily the same
classes, but there might be some overlap), but can avoid them a lot of
the time.  (And if I can't, well, there are worse things than setting
down the drink I was waiting in line to pay for and walking out because
I don't have any more time to wait for the little blonde ditz to get her
act together to actually pay for her cigarettes and soda.)


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