Julia, trying to prove that the exceptions justify the rule:

> Actually, if you've got infant twins they have an older 
> sibling who's still pretty young, or if you have triplets or 
> more, you could really use the help for the first year or so. 
>  Hire someone or see how much family and friends are willing 
> to do to help.  (I know one woman with quadruplets; her 
> sister is practically living there to help out with the kids. 
>  And she had them before her first child's second birthday, 
> so that's a lot of kids in a very short period of time.)

Ok, you win, Julia. If someone has quadruplets, that's pretty hard. What
percentage of incompetent mothers have quadruplets? Hell, we probably should
give massive overdoses of fertility drugs to all women, because if we made
them all have quadruplets, even the incompetent ones would raise the level
of their game just to survive.

You can quote all the weird statistical anomolies you want, but that doesn't
change the fact that most women don't even have twins much less quadruplets,
and most mothers are whining incompetents with one child at a time.

> (And if you're working and you have twins or more, it's more 
> cost-effective to hire a nanny than to put them all in 
> daycare, at least for the first couple of years.)

What great advice, you pampered princess! 

> p.s. I'm wondering how many kids Mike Lee has, because it 
> gets more interesting the more you have

First, it only gets more interesting till about 3. Then the costs are
marginal. Second, it's none of your damn business. I'm not basing my
arguments on my own experience, but rather on my observation of the general
incompetence of women to raise children (or do any other useful work).
Third, well, I can't do a third, because I'd have to claim that not only is
logic on my side but also experience. And I just don't want to do that. 

You're idiots. I can prove it. That settles it.

Mike Lee
Easter Bunny


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